





This is essentially an information gathering and processing phase – what we do before we start designing. We collect all of the information about the project to use in schematic design. This includes information about the site, any existing structure(s), codes, deed restrictions, septic information, site utilities, access, budget, and schedule.




This is where the rough shape of the building and the ideas are formed. I’ll generate a couple of different design options for you to consider - two at a minimum (sometimes more) - using all of the information gathered in the previous step. I begin by drafting a narrative for the project, called a ‘parti’, which we’ll reference throughout the project.  This seed idea is used to help us make decisions as the project becomes more detailed and better defined. It’s a rulebook of sorts.

I generally present the schematic ideas in loose sketch form on tracing paper as site and plan diagrams or models, physical or digital. These are not final ideas or fixed plans, they’re meant to be conceptually evocative and to incite new ideas and feedback from you.

We’ll meet and discuss the designs with the goal of narrowing the field to one preferred design concept; something we can move forward with. Often this design will borrow features from other schemes and become a hybridized solution. The phase concludes with your selection of a scheme to further develop.